Hyra Home

Cover Image

You can upload a cover image to your homepage instead of using the default gradient. The recommended size of the cover is 1920 x 300 pixels. The image is fixed at an aspect ratio of 32:5, constrained at a minimum height of 100 pixels.


In order to get the best results for your banner, you should follow these guidelines:

  1. Use a high resolution image. The minimum recommended size is 1920 x 300 pixels.

  2. Keep the bottom left of your image free of busy content. This is where a greeting message will be displayed.

  3. Avoid using an image with a logo or text on it.

  4. Use darker images. The greeting message is white, so if your image is too bright, the message may be hard to read.

  5. Repeating patterns or scapes work the best. Try to avoid designs that don’t look good when cropped.

Once you’ve uploaded a cover image, it is not possible to go back to the default gradient.


The upcoming birthdays section shows all the birthdays coming up in the next 7 days. If there are no birthdays coming up, this section will not be shown.

Your birthday can be set up when you first join. If you skipped this part or didn’t put the correct date, you can request it to be changed by someone in your HR department.

The time for birthdays to begin showing is based on the timezone of the person’s birthday itself.

For example, if someone’s birthday is on the 1st of January, but they are in a timezone that is 12 hours ahead of yours, their birthday will begin showing at 12pm on the 31st of December. This is to make sure you’re on time to wish them a happy birthday!

New to the team

The new to the team section shows all the people who have joined your company in the last 7 days.

You won’t show up in this section if you’ve previously been a member of the workspace. This is to avoid announcing a suspension.