Orders Page in Hyra

Hyra’s Order Page allows you to show all of the Orders that has been sent to your game in Hyra. It can help you find staff that is spamming the order button to gain points.

This article will show the basic things found in the Order page. For it’s API Documentation and implementation, click here.

Accessing the Order

In the Order Page, you can search for an order or see all of the order history as of now. It shows the contents for the order, status, when did it submitted, the cashier, and it’s full history.

You can click View Full History to view the history of an order.

Order Statuses

There are different statuses in an order. Please do note that some of these may not show based on how your group has implemented it.

These are the following:

  • Handed to - The order has been handed to the customer
  • Submitted - The order has been submitted by the cashier
  • Waiting for preparation - The order is waiting for preparation by a chef or other staff member
  • Finding new colleague - The order is waiting for a new colleague to take over preparation (for example, if the previous chef left the game)
  • Preparing - The order is being prepared by a chef or other staff member
  • Completed - The order has been completed
  • Waiting for pickup - The order is waiting for pickup by the customer or a delivery person
  • Cancelled - The order has been cancelled