What is Logbook?

Logbook allows you to log all of the actions taken to the staff. From warnings, promotions, demotions, even username changes.

Creating a Post

To create a post, follow the steps below:

To continue, you’ll need the following permission: View Other Staff and Post to Logbook


Go to the Staff's Logbook

Firstly, head over to the Staff’s Directory Profile. In there, go to the Logbook tab.


Create a Post

To create a post, click Create Logbook Entry, then type in your comment. You can then upload attachments by clicking the paperclip button on the bottom-left.

Once done, hit Log Note. You can also find the different options by clicking the dropdown next to the button.

Extra Logbook Features
  • For Warnings, you can set them to expire automatically after a certain amount of days.

  • You can also copy from a template by clicking the Template button at the top-left.

To delete a post (if available), simply just click the trash icon on the top-right corner of the post.

Cloning Logbook Posts

Cloning Logbook Posts allow you to transfer the logbook of one user’s to another. Follow the steps below:

In order to do this, you must have the following permission: Workspace Admin


Go to the Copy from User Page

Firstly, head over to the Workspace Settings > Logbook > Copy from user.


Fill in all of the fields

Fill in all of the fields, from the source user and the user that will get the logbook, and hit Copy to user

Creating Logbook Templates

Creating Templates allow you to convinently copy and paste a template to your logbook post.

In order to do this, you must have the following permission: Workspace Admin


Go to the Logbook Templates Page

Firstly, head over to the Workspace Settings > Logbook > Templates.


Create a Logbook Template

Click Create Template, give it a name and the content below.